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2024 Dates to Save



January 27: Men’s Retreat at FBC Chadron

Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. Robin Stoops

January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day—(He was an American Baptist!)

January 29: ABWM Domestic Violence Awareness Training

February is Black History Month

February 10: Leadership Team Meeting at 10am at ABC NE Region Office, Omaha

February 17-18: Leaders in Training (LIT) for student leaders at camp

February 18: ABC USA Sunday

February 24: National ABMen Prayer Breakfast

February 29: Leap Day

March is America For Christ Offering (29% stays in Nebraska) remainder is for American Baptist Home Mission Society

March 10: AB Seminary Sunday

March 11-14: National Leadership Council in Orlando, FL

March 15-17: Spring Youth Retreat at MMCCC

March 18-20: Prairie Pastors Conference, Sunset Hills Baptist Church

March 24: Palm Sunday

March 31: Easter

April 28: AB Camp Sunday. Show your love for MMCCC!

May 2: National Day of Prayer

May 4: Leadership Team Meeting at 10am at Gibbon Baptist Church

May 12: Mothers Day

May 19: Baptist Heritage Sunday

May 27: Memorial Day

June is One Great Hour of Sharing Month

June 6-10: Rocky Prairie Senior High Youth Camp at Estes Park, CO

June 6-8: JAM Camp 1st-6th grade at MMCCC

June  9-14: Junior Camp 4th-6th grade at MMCCC

June 16: Fathers Day

June 16-21: Mid High Camp 7th-9th grade at MMCCC

June 23-28: Senior High Camp 10th-12th grade at MMCCC

June 28-30: Family Camp for ALL ages at MMCCC

July 4: Independence Day

August 3: Leadership Team Meeting at 10am Second Baptist Lincoln

September 2: Labor Day

September 29: Christian Education Sunday

October is World Mission Offering for International Ministries

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

October 4-5: ABC Nebraska State Convention, Gibbon Baptist Church  Theme: Revel and Reveal

October 6: World Communion Sunday

October 13: Laity Sunday

October 14-16: Fall Pastor Retreat at MMCCC

November 8-9: Leadership Team Overnight Retreat at MMCCC

November 11: Veterans Day

November 17: Bible Sunday

November 28: Thanksgiving

December 24 Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas

July 4-6, 2025: ABCUSA Mission Summit, Omaha, NE