6404 Maple Street Omaha, Nebraska  68104-4079
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American Baptist churches in Nebraska are joined together

As a Region in a covenant partnership (ABC/NE) to:

Encourage, challenge, and empower one another

To be transforming Christian communities in the world.

In order to understand how we intend to carry out this mission, consider the following notes of explanation:

Covenant partnership: a linking of autonomous churches into a cooperating regional structure within the American Baptist Churches USA.

Encourage:  to encourage pastors, other professional church leaders, congregations and their leaders; to encourage self-care and continuing education and growth; to encourage and support congregations in times of transition, search, interims, conflict, and other times of need.

Challenge: to consistently raise up new possibilities for ministry.

Empower: to identify needs; to provide resources, services, and training; to link congregations where there is a need with one that has a resource; to help congregations be in relationship with one another and with others in the ABC-USA and the broader Christian community.

Transforming Christian communities:  transforming individuals through the experience of new life in Christ; transforming congregations to be renewed communities for the worship of God, caring and mission; transforming the world through mission, outreach, witness and working together.