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(A)  The business of American Baptist Men of Nebraska, incorporated in the State of Nebraska, March 23, 1992 and Internal Revenue Service Tax Exempt under American Baptist Churches, USA, Group Tax Exemption Umbrella Ruling, shall be managed by a Board of Directors.

1.  The management of all the affairs, property and business of the corporation shall be vested in the Board of Directors.  In addition to the powers and authorities by these By-Laws and the Articles of Incorporation expressly conferred on it,  the Board of Directors may exercise all such powers of the corporation and do all such acts and lawful things as are not by Statute, or by the articles of Incorporation, or by these By-Laws, directed or required to be exercised or done by the members.  The Board of Directors shall consist of the following: President, Executive Vice-President, Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President, Secretary, treasurer, Immediate Past President, Financial Chairman, Membership Chairman, and Publicity Chairman.

The President, Executive Vice-President, Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President, Financial Chairman, Membership Chairman, and Publicity Chairman shall be elected and installed at the annual conference of ABMen held at Camp Moses Merrill.  Their terms of office shall be one year.  They may serve two successive years in the same office.

The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected and installed at the annual Conference of ABMNE held at Camp Moses Merill.  There terms of office shall be two years.  They may serve three successive terms in the same office.  The Secretary shall be elected and installed on odd numbered years and the Treasurer on even numbered years.

Newly elected officers shall assume their respective offices on January 1 of the year, their term of office begins.

The following individuals shall be Ex-Officiomembers of the ABMNE Board of Directors:   The Executive Minister of the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention, the Minister of Christian Education from the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention, The Pastor/Counselor; the Eastern Association's Representative, the Central Association's Representative, the Western Associations Representative and the Nebraska ABMNE Disaster Trailer Coordinator.  Said individuals presence at a Board meeting shall not be considered in determining the existence of a quorum.  Ex-Offico Board members are not entitled to a vote before the ABMNE Board of Directors.

The Pastor/Counselor shall be appointed by the ABMNE President.  The term of office shall run concurrently with that of the President.

The Executive Minister is the individual appointed or employed by the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention also known as American Baptist Churches of Nebraska as their "Executive Minister" or Chief Executive Officer.  The term of office on the Board of Directors of the ABMNE shall run as long as this individual is employed as Executive Minister with the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention.

The Minister of Christian Education of the ABMNE Board of Directors shall be that individual fulfilling said position for the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention also known as American Baptist Churches of Nebraska.  He shall serve on the Board of Directors of ABMNE as long as he remains in the position of Minister of Christian Education for the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention.

The Eastern Associations Representative is that individual selected from the Omahaland Association, and First Nebraska Association.  The term of office shall run two years and a Representative may serve two successive terms of office.

The Central Associations Representative is that individual selected from the Capitol Association, York Association, and Grand Island Association.  The term of office shall run two years and a Representative may serve two successive terms of office.

The Western Associations Representative is that individual selected from Custer Association, North Platte Association, Northwestern Association, and Southern Union Association.  The term of office shall run two years and a Representative may serve two successive terms of office.

Newly elected Representatives shall assume their official duties January 1 of the year their term begins.

All vacancies in the Board of Directors, whether caused by resignation, death or otherwise, may be appointed for the unexpired term, by the remaining Directors by a unanimous vote.

One-third of the membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.  A Quorum is required to conduct the business of ABMNE.

Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held without notice to the membership of ABMNE at such places as the Board of Directors may at time to time designate.


There is hereby established the following Committees to carry forward the work of ABMNE:

A.  Nominating Committee

  1. The Nominating Committee shall receive and present names and qualifications of candidates for the following positions:  President, Executive Vice-President, Eastern Vice-President, Western Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Chairman, Membership Chairman, and Publicity Chairman. The nominated candidates and their consent to nomination shall be presented to the Board in writing 45 days prior to the annual meeting of ABMNE.
  2. The immediate past President of ABMNE shall chair the Nominating Committee and shall appoint two Committee members, one from the Western area and one from the Eastern area.  The appointees term of office shall be for one year.
  3. Additional candidates may be nominated for election from the floor at the annual meeting of ABMNE.
B.  Finance Committee

  1. The Committee shall conduct fund raising programs for ABMNE with a primary focus on promoting Booster Club participation.
  2. The Committee shall be led by the Financial Chairman who is elected as set out in these By-Laws.  There shall also be two Committee members appointed to one year terms by the President of ABMNE from the membership of ABMNE.
C.  Membership Committee

  1. The Committee shall conduct an on-going concentrated effort to increase ABMNE membership, and encourage prompt payment of annual membership fees.
  2. The Committee shall be let by Membership Committee Chairman who is elected as set out in these By-Laws.  There shall also be two Committee members appointed to one year terms by the President of ABMNE from the membership of ABMNE.
D.  Publicity and Public Relations Committee

  1. The Committee shall promote greater awareness of ABMNE among the Churches of the Nebraska Baptist Regional Convention, ABMNE Men's Groups, State and National Baptist Organizations, and the general public.
  2. The Committee shall be led by the Publicity Chairman who is elected as set out in these By-Laws.  There shall also be two Committee members appointed to one year terms by the President of ABMNE from the membership of ABMNE.
E.  American Baptist Seminary Scholarship Program

  1. This Committee shall monitor and make recommendations to the Board on the investment, re-investment, growth, and use of the American Baptist Seminary Student Scholarship Fund of ABMNE.  The American Baptist Seminary Scholarship Fund is a program to assist American Baptist Students in the pursuit of their religious education with financial aid in the form of scholarships.
  2. The Committee shall be led by the Financial Chairman who is elected as set forth in these By-Laws.  The Committee shall also consist of two ABMNE members who are laymen; are no officers or sitting on the Board of Directors of ABMNE; are interested in the Seminary Student Scholarship Fund; and indicate a commitment to attend and participate in all meetings and duties of the Committee.
  3. The fund shall maintain the original $10,000 permanent corpus which shall be invested for the purpose of generating income for disbursement of annual scholarships of no less than $1,000 totally.  Any and all gifts, bequests, or unexpected income to the scholarship fund shall be added to the permanent corpus of the scholarship fund.  Annual interest earned by the investment of the fund which is not disbursed as scholarship monies hereunder shall become part of the permanent corpus of the scholarship fund.  A minimum of 10% of the total of the total annual interest earned by the permanent corpus of the scholarship fund shall be retained as an addition to the permanent corpus of said fund, to ensure fund growth against economic pressures.  The American Baptist Seminary Student Scholarship Fund is to be used solely for American Baptist Seminary Student Scholarship and may in no event be employed or used for the General or Special operations of ABMNE
  4. At any American Baptist Seminary Student Scholarship Funds dispersal time, should there be a lack of eligible applicants for the funds, Central American Baptist Seminary, Kansas City, Kansas shall be contacted for the names of eligible applicants, at that religious studies source and/or funds dispersal recommendations.
F.  Layman of the Year Committee

  1. The Layman of the Year Committee, appointed by the President of ABMNE to serve a one year term, shall consist of 3 ABMNE members who are past recipients of the award.
  2. Committee shall annually recommend to the Board an American Baptist man to honor for his extra effort of his Church, Church programs, Pastor work and men's work.  The Honoree shall be designated as "Layman of the Year."
  3. All nominees for Layman of the Year must meet the following criteria:
    1. Current member of an ABMNE affiliated men's fellowship Church group,
    2. Current member of ABMNE,
    3. Known for outstanding service in men work, and
    4. Active in local Church programs.
  4. The Layman of the Year Committee shall prepare and mail "Layman of the Year" nomination application forms to all ABMNE affiliated men's groups by June 1 of each year.  All applicants must be received by this committee by July 15 each year to receive consideration.  The Layman of the Year shall be honored at the ABNME annual retreat at Camp Moses Merrill.   The honorees name shall be added to the permanent list posted in the meeting hall at Camp Moses Merrill.
G.  Clergy Person of the Year Committee

  1. The Clergy Person of the Year Committee, appointed by the President of ABMNE annually, to serve a one year term, shall consist of three (3) ABMNE Board members or Active Members at Large.
  2. The Committee shall annually recommend to the ABMNE Board of Directors a Nebraska Region American Baptist Professional Clergy Person or other full-time Professional Church Person to honor for his/her extra efforts in support of local church programs, Regional and National American Baptist programs and Baptist Men's work.  The honoree shall be designated as "Clergy Person of the Year."
  3. All nominees for "Clergy Person of the Year" must meet the following criteria:
    1. Must be a current or past pastor of and American Baptist Church in Nebraska or a current or past Professional Staff Member of a Nebraska Region American Baptist Church, Affiliated Institution or Religious Organization.
    2. for outstanding work and service to home church, Nebraska churches and Region programs.
    3. Known for support of ABMNE men's work.
    4. The Clergy Person of the Year Committee shall prepare and mail nomination application forms to Chairperson of Deacons or the Diaconate of each American Baptist Church of Nebraska by June 1 for return to the Committee by July 10, of each year.
  4. "Clergy Person of the Year" award recipient shall be honored at the American Baptist Men, NE.  Breakfast held during the American Baptist Churches NE. Region Annual Convention.  A Personal Plaque shall be presented to the honoree at the Convention Breakfast and the honorees' name shall be added to the permanent list plaque posted in the Region Office, Omaha NE by the committee.
H.  Disaster Relief Trailer Committee

  1. The Disaster Relief Trailer Committee, appointed by the President of ABMNE  annually, to serve a one year term.  Shall consist of two(2) ABMNE Board members or active members-at-large and the ABMNE Disaster Relief Trailer Coordinator for Nebraska who shall act as committee Chairperson.
  2. The Committee shall work closely with the American Baptist Churches, USA Disaster Relief Trailer Coordinator and Mid-America Baptist Men of Iowa and Minnesota and shall assist the Nebraska Coordinator with program promotions, securing and training volunteers and report to ABMNE Board of Directors.
  3. The Committee shall monitor the use of interest or dividend income flowing from Disaster Relief Trailer Fund", annually, and promote the growth of that permanent fund.
  4. Disaster Relief Trailer Fund"  shall maintain the original $10,000, permanent corpus, which shall be permanently invested for the sole purpose of generating income for the paying of Nebraska Disaster Crisis expenses, normal trailer equipment replacement costs and ABMNE Disaster Relief Coordinator expenses during a Nebraska crisis.
  5. Annual proceeds from the fund shall be used only for the support of the Disaster Relief Trailer and in no event can be employed or in any way used for the general or special operations of the American Baptist Men of Nebraska.
  6. At the discretion of the ABMNE Board of Directors, all gifts, bequests or other unexpected income, not designated to specific Disaster Trailer operations use or crisis, shall be added to the permanent corpus.
  7. 10% of the annual income from the fund shall be retained and added to the permanent corpus, to ensure fund growth against economic pressures.
  8. All invoices, expenses and other costs chargeable to the fund 'proceeds' shall be forwarded to the ABMNE Treasurer for handling and payment.
  9. The ABMNE Disaster Relief Trailer Coordinator shall be Ex-Officio member of the ABMNE Board of Directors.

Page Updated 9/2/2003