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American Baptist Men of Nebraska

  • Bringing men to Christ
  • Enabling mission
  • Serving at home, work and in community
  • Strengthening men's spirituality
  • Encouraging ministry shared by clergy and laity
  • Providing training in basic skills to enable ministry
  • larifying men's roles
  • Enabling theological education

An Open Letter from Cody L Pollington,   President ABM

To: To All Men In American Baptist Churches

12And I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News. 13For everyone here, including all the soldiers in the palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ. 14And because of my imprisonment, many of the Christians here have gained confidence and become more bold in telling others about Christ.    Philippians 1:12-14      .

Christ helps us turn our problems into opportunities 

 What does GOD want for American Baptist Men

I want to assure everyone that American Baptist Men at the national level are very strong.  National Ministries and the American Baptist Men’s Council are working very hard at keeping American Baptist Men a strong viable ministry to men and boys.  Leadership will take a different look as we continue to address men’s ministries at all levels and all ages.  The interim director will be volunteer.  He will be supported by American Baptist Men and National Ministries and should be able to function in much the same way as before.  The continued decrease in budgets has mandated this change.  As a result, a larger responsibility is going to be placed on individuals such as you.    This is an opportunity that is incredible, though it may seem difficult to believe.  I am convinced that National Ministries' decisions’ regarding American Baptist Men is an answer to prayer.  God has opened the door for American Baptist Men to do ministry like they have never been able to do before.  This is an opportunity for you to be an integral part of men's ministry now.  We need your support in time, talent, money and most of all, prayer. 

In this transition period, our goal is to increase our annual budget from its current level of $200,000 (before the budget cut) to

$375,000.  This money will allow us to build a solid base for American Baptist Men to move forward into the future.  We are praying that men like you will respond and partner with us in raising the funds annually to continue American Baptist Men.  If you do, the following things will happen:  the Directorship will continue as a salary position; we can continue to train our District Directors and others in evangelism leadership; we will train and help our regional coordinators assigned to our ABBoys and Young Men Ministry and Disaster Relief Initiative; we will assist regions that are looking for disaster relief trailers; we will publish Men In Action; we will enhance our communication network and web page; and we will continue the National Rallies and the National Gathering at Green Lake, WI.  Through MISSIONS, EVANGELISM, NURTURING, we will be able to encourage men’s ministry where help is needed and find better ways of doing ministry among men and boys.

I know I am asking a lot but the need is huge and it is immediate!  We are 500,000 men strong across this denomination.  Imagine what kind of a force for God's kingdom we could be if we were united.  This letter is not just about money; it's about people in need.  American Baptist Men are about reaching men and boys for Christ!  Men's ministry is a mission that has been placed on my heart.  I believe that God has brought me to this position to help encourage men like you to stand up and be obedient to God's call.  If you are the only man in your church, men's ministry can still happen!  Will you let God lead you?

I have visited several churches as your president and have noticed two important facts: first, we have rather small congregations in rather large buildings; and, secondly, there is a serious shortage of men in church.  Now is the time to step up to the plate and be counted.  If we are going to have a strong church in America we need to reach men out on the fringe and reach out to our young men and boys, helping them with their struggles and listening to their needs.  The time has never been more right!

Please pray for your national council, the district directors, local presidents, and the men across the country.  Pray for me as your president.  Pray for an awakening among the men.  Pray that men will be on fire for the Lord.

I firmly believe that God has given us a great opportunity.  He will provide what 

Please send money to:  


PO Box 851       

VALLEY FORGE,  PA.  19482-0851  

Cody L Pollington,   President                         


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Page updated 9/2/2003